More Support

We dont know the nature of your report but we hope that you will find the support that you need here.

Local Services for SJC Staff and Students

In an Emergency

Call 000 in an emergency for police, an ambulance or the fire service if you are off campus.

Call 07 33365 3333 in an emergency for UQ Security if you are on campus

Counselling Available with LifeWorks


St John's have partnered with LifeWorks to provide our students with free counselling sessions. LifeWorks will provide counselling services over the phone or face to face.

Lifeworks engages with professional and qualified psychologists and social workers. Each session lasts about an hour and Johnian's are entitled to free sessions. Students who use the system will also have access to the new member portal, which has an abundance of wellbeing resources and self-help tools.

Lifeworks is completely confidential and will help you to identify, explore and manage any issues impacting your life, which can include: 

  • Conflict communication
  • Maximising preformance
  • Depression, anxiety and stress
  • Relationship problems
  • Family member concerns
  • Study stress
  • Career path issues
  • Work, study and life balance
  • Grief and bereavement.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Support

Murrigunyah Family & Cultural Healing Centre

The centre is a community based sexual assault support service opperated by Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women of Logan City.

UQ Union

Your student union is one of your biggest assets while your're at university. It offers services, support and advice on a range of areas of life including:

  • Wellbeing
  • Gender & Sexuality
  • Bullying, discrimination and harassment
  • Academic work
  • Accommodation
  • Legal advice
  • Financial advice

Checkout for more information.

Medical & Health

Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Sexual Assault Response Team

(07) 3646 5207

Get Support directly following a sexual assault and follow up counselling and support in the early stages of recovery.

RACP Sexual Health Clinics Register

A register of sexual health clinics in Australia.

Reach Out

This site sets out the facts about sexual health, including infomraiotn about STI testing and sexual health checks.

Health Direct

This site proivdes general information and advice about sexual health.

Abuse & Sexual Assault

UQ Sexual Misconduct Support Unit

UQ Sexual Misconduct Support Unity (SMS  Unit) is a safe and support ive place ofor students to receive guidance around sexual assault and misconduct

Brisbane Rape and Incest Survivors Support Centre

BRISSC is a specialist community-based organisation that provides free and confidential support services to women who have experienced sexual assault at any time in their lives. 

Domestic Violence Action Centre (DVAC)

DVAC is dedicated to work towards the abolition of all forms of violence against women and children through the provision of services to the greater Ipswich region.

Living Well

If you are a man who has been sexually abused in childhood or assaulted as an adult, or are a supproter, know that  information and support to live well is available here.


UQ Ally Network

Members of the UQ Ally Network provide a safe zone for students and staff identifying as LGBTI and promote the University's commitment to developing a safe and inclusive work and study environment.

UQ Union Gender and Sexuality Support

UQ Union provides confidential and discrete support, helping to provide advocacy, counselling and general support to queer students on campus.

UQU Queer Collective

UQU Queer Collective is a community group at the University of Queensland for members of the UQ LGBTIQ+ Community. All the vents are free to all students and voluntarily organised by memebers of the collective.

National LGBTI Health Alliance

This site provides a selection of organisations and individuals form across Australia, all committed to providing discrimination-free healthcare

Q Life

A nationwide counselling and referral service for the LGBT community

Legal Support

UQ Union Legal Service

The UQ Union Legal Service Pty Ltd is run in conjunction with SHOC. Their solicitor can assist you with free legal advice and possible representation.

Legal Aid

Legal Aid Queensland has useful infomration ato help you understand your legal rights and options.

International Student Support

Immigrant Womens Support Service (IWSS)

IWSS offers free confidential, practical and emotional support to immigrant and refugee women from non-English speaking backgrounds and their children who have experiecned domestic and/or sexual violence.

UQ International Student Advisors

Our International Student Advisors offer a wide variety of student support services for international students studying at UQ.

Help a Friend

When someone experiences sexual assault or harassment, the people they choose to talk to about it play a vital role. It can be difficult to know how to respond and you may be unsure about how to help.

UQ Respect

Read the guide to help ensure your response is non-judgemental, compassionate and supportive.


UQ Counselling Service

Our counsellors will listen without judgement , offer new perspectives and work with you on strategies that are right for you

UQ Sexual Misconduct Support Unity

Members from our Sexual Misconduct Support Unit can help students access counselling and emotional support.

1800 Respect

This national counselling service offers 24/7 support online or over th phone to anyone affexted by sexual fviolence or domestic violence.

Brisbane Rape and Incest Survivors Support Centre

BRISSC is a specialist community-based organisation that provides free and condidentiol support services to women who have experienced sexual assault at any time in their lives.

Domestic Violence Action Centre (DVAC)

DVAC is dedicated to tworke towards the abolition of all forms of violence against women and childrendthrough the provision of services to the greater Ipswich region.

Living Well

if you are a man who has been sexually abused in childhood or assaulted as an adult , or are a siupporter, know that infomraiton and support to live well is available here.

Online Resources

The Line

A collection of articles that explore topics including sex, gender, respect and relationships

Reach Out

This mental health organisation uses apps, forums, quizzes and tools to provide practical supprot to young people. 

Lifeline Australia

Call 13 11 14 for crisis support.

Call 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT) any time for confidential information, counselling and support in cases of sexual assault, domestic violence or abuse.

Visit to chat online and find services in your area.

Queensland Local Support Services


000 for emergencies, for non-emergency contact Police Link Phone: 131 444.

Victim Assist QLD


Victim Assist

To access Victim Assist complete the online information request, email or phone 1300 546 587 (business hours).

Sexual Abuse and Assault

Phone the Sexual Assault Helpline on 1800 010 120.

Queensland Sexual Assault Network

Queensland Human Rights Commission

  • Ph: 1300 130 670
  • TTY users, phone 133 677 then ask for 1300 130 670
  • Speak & Listen users, phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 1300 130 670
  • Internet Relay users, connect to the National Relay Service and then ask for 1300 130 670.

Domestic and Family Violence

For help and advice call DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) or Mensline on 1800 600 636 (9am to midnight, 7 days a week).

Child Abuse

Contact a Regional Intake Service (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) or, outside of business hours, the Child Safety After Hours Service Centre on freecall 1800 177 135 (Queensland only).

Elder Abuse

Phone the Elder Abuse Helpline on 1300 651 192 for help and advice.

Suggest a Resource

If you would like to suggest a resource to be included in this list or you notice something that could be improved please let us know.

Suggest a new resource