Make a Report

Safe Report - St Johns College UQ
  1. Acknowledgement This is a required field.
    Acknowledgement This is a required field.
  2. Recipient of Report This is a required field.
    Note: If you keep a report just for yourself, you can change your mind later. You can modify the report details and submit it to the organisation later or submit a separate report to the organisation.
    Recipient of Report This is a required field.
  3. Report Subject This is a required field.
    Report Subject This is a required field.
  4. Demographic information

    Providing us with demographic information is optional. It will allow the organisation to understand the report in context and provide better general services and support. If the report is about you or a specific individual, please consider providing the following information.

    1. Other Details
      Other details about the person that may be relevant to the report.
      Other Details
    Details of report
    1. Please provide enough information to allow our staff to investigate the incident or issue and make changes necessary within the organization to prevent this from occurring again. If you have chosen to remain anonymous, remember not to write your name in this report.
      Note: Images and links are not accepted by the content editor field.
    1. Please note that we use the Friendly Captcha system to verify that you are human because it has a strong focus on privacy. It is the only external system we use to help process your report because it helps us be more secure; everything else is internal to our system. Unlike some other CAPTCHA verification systems, your personal data and browser information is not stored by us or the CAPTCHA system, and is not shared or used to solve other problems or perform other tasks.

    Notes & Communications